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What would you do?

I was recently reading about the cold war, and the four minute warning system that was implemented by the British government, and was only 'stopped' in 1992. So I began to think of what I would do if I was to hear the noise that signified the end. Then the sobering realisation that this could still happen.

Love how it lasts slightly more than 4 minutes, like the very end of the video and music would lead anyone who watched it to an epiphany, a definitive understanding of what the meaning of life is. The only thing is, just before this enlightenment, the bomb goes off and kills everything.

Cockroaches or Morlocks will surely take over.
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Having grown up in the UK, and spent all my school life with the 4 minute warning in place, (especially in the early 80's) we had drills, and was always told to curl up under the table. :)

Not sure how that would have helped, but hey. That's school for you.
Having grown up in the UK, and spent all my school life with the 4 minute warning in place, (especially in the early 80's) we had drills, and was always told to curl up under the table. :)

Not sure how that would have helped, but hey. That's school for you.

the teachers just wanted to play a game really, see how fast the kids could hide under the table and fear for their lives :P
When I was in grammar school in the 50s and early 60s (see, I told you, Old Aunty), we did the same at school, and if there weren't tables, we hunched into the tiniest blob we could become. I didn't understand why (not that this would have helped); I thought if we got small enough, the Commies wouldn't see that we were people! When they invaded our grammar school of course . . .

And I know what I would do if I had 4 minutes left. I'd hug the closest person or pet and tell them I love them. Then if there were time, I would review my life, remember who I loved (yeah Chad, "whom:), and hold that close. Then if there were a minute left, I'd hope I wasn't going to die and wish I'd built that fallout shelter under the house!

And btw Paul, cockroaches don't fear man; they laugh at us, drink our poisons like cocktails, continue evolving, and plan for activities after man!
Well I thought I could get away with hinting the closed bracket, but it obviously leaves the speech marks after whom, wasn't instead of weren't. There is a questionable use of the word 'got', and were instead of was.

But nope, I was not going to mention the who or whom. :)
Please refrain from using the spelling monster here at PSG.:mrgreen:
