Of course, Sierra, one can take incredible shots with absolutely minimal equipment (including lighting gear), and, of course you are right that I'm probably thinking more in terms of pro photography where you have to know how to (and have the equipment to) nail many different lighting "looks" with at most just a few confirmatory test shots, or your reputation will suffer.
However, even for amateurs who have the freedom of unlimited experimentation, many lighting looks are nearly impossible to do without at least some lighting equipment.
For example, I think you were hinting that the example image might be able to be reproduced using only window light. The problem is that the light in this shot is coming from well above the subject, not from the same level as his head. So, unless you have a window that is above a standing subject, your not going to be able to reproduce this directionality and simultaneously be able to locate your camera at the level of the subject's waist, looking up at his face.
Of course, if you happen to have a floor-to-ceiling window (on the correct side of the house, no shadows from trees at the time of day the sitter will show up, etc.), sure, you can darken the lower part of it by hanging a blanket over all but the very top of the window, and diffuse the light coming through the top with a sheet acting as a scrim. However, if you go to all that trouble, you might as well just position a cheap umbrella at the right height and have perfectly reproducible color balance and directionality any time of the day or night, good weather or bad. Unfortunately, even a single umbrella won't reproduce the nice hair light effect seen in the example image.
Even though the OP said, "I want to take a photo that looks something like the example", the wording of the rest of his posts sounds to me like he realizes that is a very well done look (ie, lighting style) that you almost never see produced by amateurs. So, to me, it sounds like the OP knows exactly what he wants, and a result that only approximates it would only be a distant second place finish, LOL.
Just my $0.02,