I am wondering what would be the keyboard shortcut to change the tolerance percentage up and down??? For example, to change brush size bigger you press"[" and for smaller you press, "]". I am looking for the same kind of shortcut, but instead of brush size, I need it for tolerance. I spent more than 30 minutes last night trying to find it in the keyboard shortcut dialog thing but I could not find it. I am sure photoshop has a shortcut for this and I would appreciate it very much if anyone can tell me what it is!
I am wondering what would be the keyboard shortcut to change the tolerance percentage up and down??? For example, to change brush size bigger you press"[" and for smaller you press, "]". I am looking for the same kind of shortcut, but instead of brush size, I need it for tolerance. I spent more than 30 minutes last night trying to find it in the keyboard shortcut dialog thing but I could not find it. I am sure photoshop has a shortcut for this and I would appreciate it very much if anyone can tell me what it is!