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What happens if computer breaks?!


New Member
I hope this doesnt sound like a really stupid question but here goes!

At the moment I only have PS elements, but I need to upgrade to the full version. However I'm only using a laptop and after my last laptops hard drive broke unexpectedly I'm a bit nervous that it's going to happen again. My question is, If I go ahaead and upgrade to full version and pay the whopping great price tag, what happens if say in 6 months time my laptop dies on me. Do I then have to pay for photoshop all over again when I get a replacement laptop?

Obviously I hope my laptop DOESNT break, but this is just like a worst case scenario question!

Many thanks in advance :)
all you need to do is deactivate it from old then use it on the new computer
Okay, sounds promising! But how would I deactivate it if my laptop had totally broken, like wouldn't start up broken?

Thank youuu :)
After registering KeyCode with Adobe, you can log in and deactivate with them, with your new comp.
I think Adobe Photoshop Elements let's you install the key on up to 3 computers anyway.
