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Western Style Brushes

I have done this all the swirly brushes i can find are too modern/contemporary for a western look
Can't you just find one close to what your lookig for and modify it?then save it as you like,just idea for you.
Well i haven't been able to so far. The curls (they really aren't curls im not real sure what the right name is for them) in that link are just the style that im looking for. They probably created it with the pen tool which im not real good with yet.
show me what part on the image your looking for I can probably make it for you.......maybe
The designs around the text that says "The show that made country music famous". they are in the same color as the text.

If you could that would be awesome

you wouldn't have a higher resolution would you?
here is a.png of what you provided, sorry the resolution is tough working with, you can use this just add to PS brushes, that is if it is what you wanted, if a better picture is provided I can do it better
