I really want to improve my web design skills and so i want to create my site in photoshop but where do i start this is what i do so far.
1. New document 1200 x 1000
2. New Document 960 x 1000 and copy in and center it in the first document.
3. Nothing haha
I don't know how or what to do maybe i lack creativity or something but any tips would be great start with creating a logo or a menu what is your process when starting a new document?
Thanks any ideas help would be great sorry about the first very shitty question.
Thanks again
1. New document 1200 x 1000
2. New Document 960 x 1000 and copy in and center it in the first document.
3. Nothing haha
I don't know how or what to do maybe i lack creativity or something but any tips would be great start with creating a logo or a menu what is your process when starting a new document?
Thanks any ideas help would be great sorry about the first very shitty question.
Thanks again