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Warp to constraints? (Help Needed)


New Member
Hello, first post here so just to say hi first off = )

I have been using photoshop for quite some time but recently I have stumbled on something i cant quite manage and was wondering if anybody knew how to solve my problem. I assumed here would be the best place to post it.

I have the following Mesh and was wondering if it was at all possible to warp this shirt to the template provided, for producing a 3D model.


The best, I use the term loosely, that I have been able to come up with so far is using the free form warp tool but alas it seems far too imprecise and generally ends in a bad result.

So my question is, if this is at all possible to warp a 2D texture like the one I have linked, into a 3D mesh using photoshop, and if not via photoshop you could recommend any software that would do so

Thank you very much for your time and once again thank you in advance

The mesh lines don't tell you anything about the actual 3D shape, they are just where the 3D modeler wanted to put them, so no, it's impossible to use this 2D mesh and turn it into something 3D based on these lines, unless you don't care about any accuracy.
