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Warm vintage style in photoshop?


New Member
How to achieve this look? Please help.

I'm interested to find out how to capture the warm vintage overall look of these photos:

(credits to the owner)

I found a couple of tutorials and actions online but they don't quite get the effect that I'm looking for. I'm a photoshop newbie so I'd really appreciate a step by step guide.

Hope you guys would take the time to help me. I'll be forever be grateful if anyone would do so. It would mean so much to me.

Thanks in advance.
I think photo warming filters could help you but I think we need to see the image before changes were made then(maybe) can determine what was done to enhance it
Sadly, I don't know what the photos look like before it was edited. I know I'm not helping at all :(

I've been searching for months to get that look and i'm happy that I stumbled upon this forum. Anyone with ideas on how to achieve the warm vintage tone found at my first post, please lend a hand.
For one thing the lighting when the Photo was taken is important. Notice how all the shadows are very soft and the borders of the shadows are not well defined? They had some good soft light for the scene. You can get this by either using a softbox, or placing something like a bed sheet or shower curtain in front of your lights, or by bouncing the light so it's not pointed directly at the subject.

Then it's just a matter of adjusting the color and maybe a bit of desaturation, but you are going to want good source material to work with. If you can shoot in RAW mode and then make adjustments in Photoshop to process the image, I think you will help also.
Hey Steve thanks - That tutorial you posted for the warm vintage feel is awesome. I hope it helps you, Kaymi!
Thanks for the link, Steve! Played around with the technique and I love the effect.

One thing though, the subject on my photo looks so yellow. How do I apply the warm vintage look on the background while retaining the original color of my subject? Photoshop newbie here.
You could always mask out the portion of the purple layer where your subjects face is, or reduce it's opacity in that area.
Like Tron said Layer masks.
On each of the color layers go to Layer|Layer Mask|Reveal All
With a black brush, on the masks, paint in the areas you don't want the effect to show.
