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VISTA Photogallery Tags and Photoshop


New Member
OK - had to go to new PC - had Vista Loaded. [confused]
I am on PS CS ( not upgraded to cs 2 or 3 at this point)
Vista's Photogallery allows you to establish multiple tags on a photo
Heres is the problem :surprised:
I don't seem to be able to access those tags in PS :shocked:

even though upon reading more about these Vista tags they are metadata built into an XMF (?) file structure that is by Adobe?
So if this is true, has anyone tried to use tags in PS? 8D
If so - - how can I get at them to search, sort, etc in PS?
Thanks ,,,,,
Welcome xenonian 8))

Let's be honest, you can't expect Photoshop CS to have support for new features of an operating system like Vista that was going to be released 4 years later, they didn't even have an alpha release of Vista in 2003. :\

But even if you ignore all new features; Adobe has said that CS2 is not fully compatible with Vista, so it's fair to assume that things for CS are even worse.
