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VERY simple replace color question


New Member
I tried to search this on your forum but the questions were so complex in nature I thought I'd just post.? All I want to do is change the background white to a buff that sits behind unaliased text - all in one layer.? Very simple.? When I selected the background with the adjacent pixel tool (don't know the proper name) and did a fill, it changed the black text to grey, even though that part wasn't selected. How can I select and replace ONLY the white, including all the little spaces inside letters?

Naomi :\
Welcome to PSG!

Normally, the text should be on its own layer... but I guess that you are changing a flattened image.
The magic wand tool does have a tolerance setting, you can lower it, and select only the white areas (uncheck contiguous to select also the inside of the letters)

Check as well that the eyedropper tool is set to select single pixels.

Could you post part of the image?
thanks for answering. Actually it was on its own layer. I was unclear in my posting. A co-worker showed me the problem; I had anti-aliased turned on, so the lettering was getting smudged. Problem solved.
Cool, sorry, I did not gather this from your explanation.

Thanks for sharing the solution!
