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Very new to 'just about everthing'


New Member
Sorry to say I have been using an old software design program for toooo long and have only recently welcomed a new system that can sustain the 'cooler' design software.
I am a bit scattered :( and recently misplaced my wacom pen.. to an Intuos3.. the grip pen.
If anyone has a spare I am desperately trying to get a hold of another one, one that is a bit cheaper than $74.00 or so.. I live in Australia.
Also, due to me being very new in PS CS3 (extended) there is something I am not sure how to do. I have drawn a picture. Only the outline. I wanted to darken the outline (as it is way too light) without darkening the actual white of the page.
The picture was hand drawn and scanned and I was going to use PS to darken the outline. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you.
