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Very Demanding of Late!


Beast RARRR!
Just a small moan about the demand for work or help lately, had a couple of instances this evening where people have been somewhat demanding in either advice or help with work.

I know this is general view and appreciate we know what we are letting ourselves in for by join such an awesome place as this but being demanding and ungrateful is probably not the best way to get what you want/need.

I am a patient man and have always tried to help where I can, but of late I feel like people come here for work/help and get funny when it's not as or when they want.

Not sure if I am alone in these feelings but I wish people would be a little more understanding and grateful when we go in and help.

For the record and for those that may be a little too wanting this evening, I am a Community First Responder who is pretty much on call 24/7. I also run the local Volunteer Ambulance Service and also work in my spare time with Operation Photo-Rescue as well as anything else in RL I am asked to do.

When requesting help/advice or work from the Fine members of this board, please understand we do because we want to and are able to, not because we have to.

Please do not think I am being funny, but sometimes we can not drop everything and do as asked although we do try.

Sorry for this rather odd post but of late I personally feel it needs to be said.

Admins, sorry if this is not the place for this.
Aye Pops is what I do and I guess you're right. I do try and do what I can but sometimes it's not enough. Ho Hum, on wards and upwards I guess lol
Yeah people have rough up bringing's and have no idea how to reply with a thank you click or dare i say it even type out a thank you reply.
Happens on any site on any subject really, just toughen up mate and take the negs on the chin, you did all you could, if they just don't reply i bet someone else who reads the threads in the future sees something of merit and will click the like or even thank you for the efforts given freely.
I'm good brother, not so much fussed about the thanks (although it would be nice from time to time lol) more give and inch and take a mile really but as you say 'happens everywhere'.
Love this place and will always come back for more hehe

Hey Chris, I understand exactly where your coming from!
As a basic rule, I stick to the premiss that this forum is a discussion forum and we are here to help users by showing or explaining to them how to accomplish and overcome issues they may be experiencing. More recently, I have decided that I will not participate in any threads after I recognize that the poster is asking for the work to be done for them. Especially those that mention it's a school assignment.
I don't begrudge those that choose to do the free work, but I do believe they contribute to the problem. We live in an entitled and thankless generation who are used to getting anything they want. I know that there will always be someone here who will "do the work for them", it just not going to be me. You might try just avoiding the requests altogether.
I have to agree Sam, it's a shame because there will be those that genuinely need help but may not get it. I will always try to help as much as possible but will try and use better judgement on who gets the help they need. Shame though brother :(
If am not busy, I don't mind helping even if it means chopping an image, if it takes a few minutes it's not a big deal for a freebie but if you're talking excessive time I prefer to get paid.
I look at it this way
PSG is a great web resource for finding help with graphics. I help when I can verbally or within a text posting.PSG provides free webspace for all its members I look at it as it's the least I can do is post a picture now and then to help somebody that comes across as needy or graphics skills deficient, it only helps PSG get more hits and if you're honest about it it helps everybody that is into graphics get recognized and hopefully the occasional side job....... personally I think it's all hogwash for the guys making money doing this to complain. it has always been first-come first-served here, sometimes you're lucky sometimes you're not and kudos to those lucky more often than not......... that's my two cents, for what it's worth
Points understood Dad and I agree. Anything I can do to help PSG or it's members is absolutely fine with me. If by helping someone with something gets us more hits then that's ace. The point of my thread is purely aimed at those that come here and think we are obliged to help and if we don't they get arsey. We have all helped many people and to be perfectly honest, it's only rare occasions that someone gets demanding, it's these that get my back up because all of us regulars here give our time to help others and as you have said dad, sometimes we can find paid work which is a bonus (as long as you have PayPal lol). I come here to learn and if I can, help others. I show my work and enjoy looking at others, I hope to continue to be a regular on this fine forum for many many moons to come, all I ask from those requesting help is to bare with us, be patient and most of all show a little gratitude when someone does decide to offer help.
I understand, to see a thank you within a post is only common courtesy, sad to say the texting generation hasn't figured out a way to text with common courtesy in mind.......... someday, maybe not.... it's a crazy world and getting crazier
Freebie requests have been this forum's staple since the very first day of its existence. And most of the time, the Thank You's are far in between.

RM.... I understand what you feel in giving your heart and soul to help out only to get nothing - not even the initials TY. Maybe it's just me, but I don't expect a Thank You. If the OP does give thanks, I consider that a bonus. What's important to me is I did my part. If the person abuses the goodness extended to him by coming back often , ask for freebies and disappear , point will come I will not help him anymore. There are others deserving our help.

We are here to help people but not to the extent of spoiling them like doing one's school project or assignment. That is a different matter. Then again, these are people who do not use PS but need help to get it done. To this I say - let it be a member's decision to help or not. In case they do, let them ... but don't crucify them for spoiling the market.... lol. Their deed contributes to the reputation of the forum.

Like Paul said, one day in the future someone happens to read the thread and see the assistance you gave. Your accomplished deed lives on in the internet. They will also see the OP's ingratitude.

iDad-io gave the best advice... ignore what bothers you and move on... do what you do best.
IS that "io" something like, hiho hiho it's off to work we go, kind of a compliment from a lizard???? lol
Thanks DV, and that is my intention brother. Love this place and will not let the few spoil it for me. I take on some of the jobs I do here I guess to see how I would do it, trying to express this to others sometimes requires a quick video which again I enjoy.

If nothing else, I hope this thread serves to remind our visitors that we are all human, we have hands and everything and that it's a living, breathing person in their screen helping them. 'A little gratitude goes a long way!' my Granddad used to tell me, I don;t expect it but it's nice to get it every now and then.

I came to this forum back a few months ago, and have made this place my home on the interwebz and will continue my stay as long as I am welcome.

Hope I haven't come across as a grumpy old'e Beast lol.

oh and before I forget - BAR HUMBUG HEHE :bustagut: :lol:
Thanks DV, and that is my intention brother. Love this place and will not let the few spoil it for me. I take on some of the jobs I do here I guess to see how I would do it, trying to express this to others sometimes requires a quick video which again I enjoy.

If nothing else, I hope this thread serves to remind our visitors that we are all human, we have hands and everything and that it's a living, breathing person in their screen helping them. 'A little gratitude goes a long way!' my Granddad used to tell me, I don;t expect it but it's nice to get it every now and then.

I came to this forum back a few months ago, and have made this place my home on the interwebz and will continue my stay as long as I am welcome.

Hope I haven't come across as a grumpy old'e Beast lol.

oh and before I forget - BAR HUMBUG HEHE :bustagut: :lol:

Just continue doing what you've started from day one you joined.

Grumpy ol beast? That's iDad's department.....
I hate snow because I have 300 foot driveway and my kids(adults now) are lazier than lizards basking in the sun lol
