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Vector graphics inside of Photoshop


Hi everybody,

I'm reading a lot about vector graphics inside of Photoshop and I still find it a bit confusing.

1. is that true to say that Photoshop is a raster based program and therefore it has nothing to do with real vector graphics?
2. text in a raster or vector shape render and print the same unless you resize them?
3. is it true to say that vector in Photoshop is just a special mask that regenerate pixels in case of interpolation (resizing) ?
4. does postscript printer can print raster text correctly even if it shows ugly edges?

1 - no it has vector graphics support, the question only arises when saving/outputing (you can export shapes as paths to Ilustrator, for instance).
2 - Text, if not rasterized, IS vector based.
3 - no
4 - If it is raster, is made of pixels, text or anything else. If there are ugly pixel edges they will be printed. Again, text without rasterizing is made of "a special kind" of shapes (there are some bitmap fonts, though)
Thanks for the reply.

as i see it the difference between pixel based graphic and vector based graphic in photoshop is that vector based layer can re-generate pixels due to transformation while pixel based can not.

the interested thing is what happand when printing, what happand to anti-aliasing on the paper????

