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Using Sharpening and Shadows/Highlights for video editing in CS3


New Member
I've recently discovered the ability to edit videos with Photoshop CS3 (largely thanks to this tutorial: Easy Video Editing in Photoshop. Yes, Photoshop. | CreativePro.com) but two of the features I'd really like to use for the video editing are Sharpen (specifically the Smart Sharpen filter) and Shadows/Highlights. I use these two a lot in image editing and would like to be able to do the same with videos. However, I haven't figured out how to get either to work on more than one frame of the video. I can add an Adjustment Layer which gives 15 or so editing options (Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, Curves etc) and with the Adjustment Layer added it applies to every frame in the video, not just one...but the Smart Sharpen filter and the Shadows/Highlights feature are not present in the Adjustment Layer menu. And like I said, when I create a new layer and use either the smart sharpen or the shadows/highlights in that, it only applies to one frame of the video.

Is there any way I can get them to apply to all the frames in the video instead of just one?
I don't know it's possible in CS3, but in CS4 you have to right click your video in your layers palette and convert to a smart object first.
