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Upgrading CS2 to CS3 = moved/missing preference?


New Member
Need help finding a preference that has moved from from version CS2 to CS3. Its the "Use Video Alpha" (check box) that was located in the the Preferences/"Transparency and Gamut". I used this often to turn off transparency on the images I was working on to find/edit its edges, im going nuts now that its missing. Can you please help me find it or find what replaced it?

Until this forum fixes their upload attachment issue, here is screen shot showing before and after of missing option: http://www.experts-exchange.com/images/t25063/CS2vsCS3.gif

ATTENTION MODERATORS: PS — I tried to attach a screen shot by using the manage attachments button but when clicking the upload button in IE8 & Firefox3 (I tried both a .gif and .jpg of your specified size) I get the following error: "The following error was encountered: Zero Sized Reply, Filter device did not receive any data for this request." ???
