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Unusual (maybe) advise needed


Noob looking for some advice please.
I need to know how to make red skin show in a b&w photo. Say for instance where someone has been spanked or slapped.
Preferably in elements 12 but cs5 would do.

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Duplicate layer, Use pen tool, draw your hand (or drop another hand on) adjust color of hand, you can colorize this layer, then its a matter of adjusting your opacity and blending of the hand for the look you want
Aah no its not like that. The handprint is already there lol. So the photo I'm trying to do right now is a picture I took of A girl after being spanked, I want to do it in b&w but when I do you can no longer see she's been spanked.

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So I want the areas that are red to show darker on a b&w photo

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Why don't you post it and let us take a look, then you can get a good answer.
(assuming you can LOL based on content)
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Still, the advice you've been given to make a separate layer for the red area is good. Just select the hand, feather it; make it a separate layer - ctl/cmd J - and colorize it a deeper shade. Then when you change everything to b&w, it will still stand out.
Forget the hand there is no hand in this picture. Its an area of red with no edge as such. I'd show the picture but it's basically porn. I'll try to sort out a suitable sample area.

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Duplicate the original.
Desaturate the duplicate and apply a layer mask.
Select your Brush Tool, choose a soft brush, set your brushes fill to 1%.
Make sure black is your foreground color.
Use the brush to slowly bring back the redness of the skin where the spanking occurred.
When converting a color photo to black and white, it's extremely easy to darken or lighten reddened areas of the skin. All you do is use the sliders in a B&W conversion adjustment layer as shown below.

Instead of your "application", to simulate reddened skin, I used a photo of a man with acne from a university tutorial on using photoshop: http://www.uni.edu/fabos/idc/tutorials/photoshop/ps.html


If you set the sliders in the B&W conversion adjustment layer like this,


The red areas of skin will be lightened:

OTOH, if you set them like this,


The red areas of skin will be darkened.



I'll be ok posting it if I cover genitals right? Then someone can tell me if I'm doing it ok?

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here are some attempts i've made.

***partial nudity follows***

the original:

i had to increase the red to make it work.

replace colour then convert to b&w:
marks are too pronounced.

adjust hue/saturation then convert to b&w
i prefer this but the skin looks very mottled and i'm having trouble smoothing it

any more sugestions



Hi Hoogle - The problem he is facing is not camera noise. Rather, it is the fact that in blue light (effectively, what I offered as a possibility), skin truly appears mottled. I only offered the BW conversion sliders method after the OP said something like, "I know the basics of layers" because this method is is likely to be quicker and easier for him.

Personally, I think that methods such as the one Mike suggested where one lays down an approximate, roughly blurred image of a hand using the pen tool (or something similar) and then doing whatever you want to that area are likely to yield much better results.

No, the 2nd image I posted would be almost perfect without the mottled skin (and maybe slightly lower contrast)

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