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undo crop?


New Member
Hey, i have a picture that when i click on it the thumbnail shows the whole picture but when i open it, it only shows a cropped version of the pic. is there anyway to fix that?
What Kangaegoto is talking about (I'm 99% certain) is that when they view a certain picture while browsing through images... the preview or thumbnail image looks a certain way (the way it was originally generated). The image was probably cropped after that and saved... but, as often happens, the thumbnail image wasn't resaved at that point. So now there is a preview image that doesn't match the actual cropped image. They would like to get the full resolution un-cropped image back... but it doesn't exist anymore... it's just a ghost in the file from before. The actual image that loads when you open it in Photoshop is what you're stuck with. I see this question come up a lot (usually something has been censored intentionally out of the image, but the uncensored images shows up in the preview window).

Short of trying to take a screenshot and then blow that up (which wouldn't give you enough quality)... there isn't any way to get that data back because it's already been saved as something else.
MindBender said:
the thumbnail image wasn't resaved at that point. So now there is a preview image that doesn't match the actual cropped image.
Oh I see, yeah that never happened to me in any image browser and that's why I was confused. Thanks MB. ;)
[saywhat] Hey dude can you plz post the images(the one not croped and other croped )here.i want to see them have a clear idea wat u pupil r talking about.
Mindblast... this is one image. The image is cropped... but the thumbnail is showing the old version because it wasn't updated. There aren't multiple images to edit... the un-cropped image doesn't really exist anymore except as a tiny, usually useless thumbnail image.

i want to see them have a clear idea wat u pupil r talking about.

uh huh.
