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Unable to change text in layer


New Member
I am trying to change a legacy file originally created by someone that is no longer with my company. It is a button with text. I need to change the text on top of the button because it is misspelled.

1) I go to the layer to make sure it isn't locked and I'm only viewing that layer.

2) I click the Horizontal Type Tool and then click in the layer with the text.

It's not allowing me to change the text. When I follow these steps it just wants to type on top of the layer.

What am I doing wrong? It looks like the layer labeled with the button text is a background layer not a text layer, but if that's the case how do I change the text?

Sorry for this very newbie question!
If you are unable to edit the text, open the layer pallet and click the eye next to the layer the text is on. That will hide the text. (Hopefully, it's still on a layer by itself). Now select the type tool and type on your new text. Adjust size, color and font to your liking.
Duh! That's an easy work around that never occurred to me. Thanks! Now, I just need to match the font used so the buttons are all the same. I think the original person actually imported the text. Not sure why. Thanks again!
