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Specific Un-blur face!

Sorry... I would say that it's not possible. There is not enough usable detail in the photo. If you look at it close-up, your nose doesn't really exist and your eyes are just horizontal slashes. Sharpening won't work because the facial details aren't present to begin with. Unfortunately, the best I can say is that you have a very nice photo of your left shoe.
I agree with Rich54.

For the OP. As a reference point while using the best tool I have acquired for this issue and decreasing the resolution dramatically to even allow that tool to start to work, I get this:


And to make the issue even more hopeless, You have various area moving in different directions.
I agree with Rich54.

For the OP. As a reference point while using the best tool I have acquired for this issue and decreasing the resolution dramatically to even allow that tool to start to work, I get this:

View attachment 123300

And to make the issue even more hopeless, You have various area moving in different directions.
Wow, that is still a fantastic job! I wouldn't even have thought this was half possible from the original pic. Great stuff.
Wow, that is still a fantastic job! I wouldn't even have thought this was half possible from the original pic. Great stuff.
Focus Magic has a very good motion blur component although this is way beyond anything it can handle well. Its maximum blur radius is 20 pixels and at that point we've already gone way beyond anything acceptable. I resample the image to less than half just to start as this image has a blur radius approaching 50 pixels (@305 degrees). I've fiddled some more to see how I can learn to maximize the filter's effectiveness and didn't gain much if anything. What I find most amazing it the hand. Focus Magic pulled fingers and fingernails out of garbage blur.

bowling_blur detail.jpg
