About hidden selections - you can make selections invisible by choosing the menu option or by hitting ctrl+ H. This will hide your helper visuals like marquee's, guides, slices, etc.
doens't work.
If this happens with all your tools, that probably isn't the case though.
only text tools.
Are you using a font manager? That could interfere with the operation of fonts.
No font manager. I'm asuming you mean like adobe font manager program.
What else is loading on your computer? Any other applications open when this occurs? Anything installed and running in the background, like system tray apps or whatever?
The only thing I've had open when there is anything, is a web browser, mozilla or IE. zone alarm, norton, ftp.
How about transparency settings, have you tried toggling between hardware and software transparency?
don't know how.
Are you on the latest version of Photoshop?
7.0 straight up,
Have you updated your system recently? New video drivers are a common culprit of things like this.
Haven't done anything to the system to "upgrade" it. As I said it just started happeneing last night, yesterday it was fine.
Blowing away photoshop's preferences. Hold ctrl+alt+shift when you double click the icon to start photoshop. It will prompt you if you want to erase your preferences. (I'm pretty sure those are the keys, a windows user wanna back me up on this or correct me?)
Didn't work.