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u gotta try this! (little tut for u)


Well-Known Member
step 1) new document 500x500 black background
step 2) filter>lens flare 100% 105mm prime
step 3) filter>distort>polar coords set polar to rectangular
step 4) image> rotate canvas > flip vertical
step 5) filter >distort >polar coords rectangular to polar
step 6) new layer make a circle that covers the sphere perfectly
step 7) ctrl and click the layer to select the circular shape
step 8) now delete the new layer you just made while keeping the selection
step) press ctrl+u to alter the color of the sphere

here is the result

The variations of JonBalza's Steel ball always produce stunning results! thanks for sharing, and welcome to PSG!
Hi There Scorpion!

great tute...very quick...easy to intstitute changes

here's mine....took 1 minute
ranger72 said:
Hi There Scorpion!

great tute...very quick...easy to intstitute changes

here's mine....took 1 minute

thanks for the great tute Scorpion!

ranger ... get some Distort | Spherize going on that word and you'll be getting :righton: primo stuff ... as it is I love the colours :D

8} 8}
Roger That Anam!

I realized that my text did not spherize on the Globe the way Scorpion's!

Like it's flat on the layer! }P :D

Thanks ranger72
you betcha, my friend ... :righton:

keep up the good work, and post an update when you get it, eh? I'd love to see it ;)

Thanks for sharing scorpion! ;) Quick and easy 'sphere', I agree! :D
Hi There Anam!

Well I managed to spherize the text but in doing so I increased the jaggies on the text....

I'll have to fix that later.....gotta mow the lawn....Damn...I thought retirement would be easy...nothing but confuser time..Bravo Sierra..

thanks all glad to see u like it :)

Ranger: how'd u make that color thing? is that the infrared tut? or is it easier to do?
What that combo does is turn your graphic/photo "inside-out". Compare a before and after, and you might be able to see it.

Kai Krause laid down the foundation for this kind of thing a lot time ago. It boggle my mind that his tricks are so enduring. Many times I have discovered something cool, only to find out later that Kai did it first.
KPT 22: Domain Shifts
ranger72 said:
Hi There Anam!

Well I managed to spherize the text but in doing so I increased the jaggies on the text....

I'll have to fix that later.....gotta mow the lawn....Damn...I thought retirement would be easy...nothing but confuser time..Bravo Sierra..


hey bud :)

Much better, me lad. Now try putting a little vertical spherize in there!

There are two things you can do to reduce Jaggies ... one is to install ATM (adobe Type Manager) which, IIRC, is available free from the www.adobe.com site. Two, if you don't want to do that, then turn the text into Outlines before you mess with it. (now that I think about it, you might have to have ATM installed to do that; I'm not sure atm)

What's Bravo Sierra mean? (non military type here, just a wannabe)

Good job Ranger! :righton:

Quick & dirty way to clean up the jaggies:
1. Load the selection as an alpha channel and then deselect it.
2. Give it a slight Gaussian Blur (Filter->Gaussian Blur)
3. Open up Levels (CTRL+L) and move the right & left sliders to crisp up the edges
4. Click on the selection to activate it.
5. Back to your layers palette, create a new layer and fill the selection with colour.

Did this in 2 seconds...
that's another good way of doing it wendy ... without ATM needed :)

good thinking etc :) :righton: :}

