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TuTorial neeDed


New Member
Hey I dont know whether I'm posting in the right forum coz I just sign up so I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong forum.I really like using photoshop but I'm not good at it.There is this game site(about managing soccer team) that let you have your own soccer team logo though you have to create it yourself or ask for a logo in the forum.For your information,I'm using photoshop cs2.

So I want to create a really good logo for the managers there but I'm not really good at it.Can someone create a tutorial on how to do logos like below?


I know you do shapes like this using pen tool but it is hard to make this shape.And how can you do the details?


I really want to know how to add the details in the logo so that it looks awesome.


How can you do the writing in the circle?

Help needed please.If someone willing to create tutorials about making logos I will really appreciate it.
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Not good at tutorials but if you email me I can help with psd file you can practice from that
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Thanks for the reply.So can you make similar logos like that?Yes,psd file would be nice :) Thanks.
