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Specific Tune Squad Edit #62

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the platform and I am excited to learn how everything works.
My son's birthday party is Saturday and I was wondering if anyone knew a font close to the Tune Squad font? I've searched the net but was unsuccessful in finding anything close. I'd like for the shirts to say "Fred Squad".

I have attached the original picture which I do not own the rights to.

TuneSquad PNG.png

Thank you all very much for your time and expertise :-)
@IamSam - I'm curious as to whether you download the TrueType font version or the Open Type version. Download a few fonts the other day and they also came with TTF and OT.
Is it just a preference? Advantages/disadvantages?
- Jeff
I'm curious as to whether you download the TrueType font version or the Open Type version. Is it just a preference?
If it's an option I prefer OTF, it has more features. However, I hardly ever take advantage of those features myself so I don't worry if OTF is not an option an I will go with the TTF.
...as an aside , does anyone know how to have a chiseled (sharp angle) outside outline.? The white had to be rasterized and hand edited to angle it and I left the black outline rounded.
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