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Trying to replicate a web graphic please help me on it.


Power User
Trying to replicate a web graphic . I saw a nice web site elements somewhere and i tried to replicate it and i attached the psd .You gurus please see it and let me know if am ion right track or not.I strongly believe replicating the graphics is often a good thing to learn Photoshop. The more time u spend on Photoshop the better you improve your knowledge on Photoshop i think .Rather than reading tutorials etc.. So please Giris see my effort and help me and teach me where i went wrong, if any. As you people are very experienced and Gurus.

I also added the psd and the screen shots.

Thanks in advance
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I like the way you have done it, but I'm a little bit confused as what your asking. Do you want help duplicating the graphics? Or you need help coding it together? It will be some gfx and some CSS (well that's the correct way).
I think 'trying' is the wrong word to use......looks like you have replicated it already.

What else needs to be done? (Or is this just an exercise in PS?)

I dunno what else to add, the previous comments pretty much sum it up.

MrTom P.B.C.
@Nathaniel-WoLvEz i just want to know if am on right track or not.If not please teach me where u went wrong or give me some tutorials.

@MrTom thanks for the reply.I just want to know if am on right track or not .If not give me your valuable suggestions and tips. Also point out where i went wrong.

Thank you
The only thing I find "wrong" is why you seem to doubt what you've done so far when you've actually replicated it as close as possibly can.

When designing something, at least give yourself the conviction and pride that what you created is good - be it a replicated look or a fresh twist to an existing format (the latter being better).

You've replicated it and nothing's wrong with it. Now ask yourself this question.... Is there something else I can do to improve on it and make it better than the original? Find that answer and you've got something that you can call your own design. :wink:

Just to add... If there's something wrong with it, it could be in the hierarchy of layers in the psd. I could be wrong since I don't do web design tho I've heard that final composition should be done in a web design application and that a PS design may not necessarily work in a web design application setting..

Only the web designers here can be the judge of this.
Just to add... If there's something wrong with it, it could be in the hierarchy of layers in the psd. I could be wrong since I don't do web design tho I've heard that final composition should be done in a web design application and that a PS design may not necessarily work in a web design application setting...

This ^^

I have edited this post to explain my answer! I left a short post and feel like I could of said more:

It's still pretty confusing what your question is, considering your menu image looks as good if not better then the one you are trying to replicate, are you trying to make an exact copy? if so why?

Are you stuck with getting it from Photoshop onto your Website? because thats a different question and one, I believe could not be explained from a forum post.

Are you new to webdesign?
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Looks great, you've made it similar yet different enough for it not to just have copied it. The one thing I see is that your clocks main circle seems to be a bit more of an oval. If that bothers you then you can make a perfect circle by holding down the SHIFT key while dragging to make your shape.
The only thing I would suggest, not referring to coding or other actual application to a website, is that your replication lacks interest. The original has graphics and you might consider including some of your own. And not necessarily in the same location, nor limiting it to just one, but make a variation in size and design. A bit of color field is also used in the original and this can make a big difference in the highlighting of specific areas.
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