Hi. I recently encountered a black widow spider in my backyard and she has been graciously posing while I take images with my various cameras (DSLR and p&s). However, on some of my best imagery, while her body, legs and hourglass come out well, her web is invisible making it look like she's just floating in air. This looks unrealistic and I have been attempting to add some web strands to make it look better. With the macro I use, there aren't that many strands, maybe 5-8, and going in various directions. However, I'm having one big issue. In order to give realism to the simple 1 pixel white lines drawn on with a soft brush, I am trying to vary their opacity as well as using clouds and other filters for masks to make them look imperfect. However, anytime I am varying opacity, the background colors begin to show through the strands. This is not right because in actual webs, colors stay white even if the brightness of the web changes. How can I mimic this in Photoshop? Thanks.