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Trying to Make an Active Website


New Member
Hello everyone...just want to know what the best way is to create the rollover effect and make a website active after saving it from html and images form from photoshop cs4. I have created the file and kno0w how to get it into dreamweaver but is there another program that i better before sending it into dreamweaver. I have been out of this for a long time and getting ready to go back to school and need some help refreshing my skills before I do so PLZ help!!!
Your message is a little vague. Do you mean you want to have a rollover image on a webpage?

If so, you want to put both the original image and the second rollover image in the Dreamweaver site (or if you did not setup a site, at least the same folder) as the html document. Then select the Rollover Image button in the Insert panel and enter the locations of both images.

There is no such thing as a rollover image as an independent file.
