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Trouble with sharp edges


I'm trying to draw out a a rectangle or square with rounded corners, but on one side or another, there is always a 1 pixel edge that is faded to a different color, and throws off what I'm trying to achieve.

Turning off anti-alias looks pretty terrible, too.

Notice here how the top and right edge have a faded white edge, whereas the left and bottom edge are sharp and crisp.


Any suggestions?
create another layer on bottom. All the same color as the color you want. create your shape copy it from bottom layer> paste you should be golden.
Oh. looks like you have pixels feathered put it @0
select the center,(tolerance 0) then inverse paint your color
OK - I found a solution, without all the trouble.

The goal (for me) is the draw out this rectangle once, and be done with it. I knew there had to be an easier way than inversing paint and tinkering with other settings.

First, I turned on Snap, and checked to make sure "grid" is turned on under Snap To.

Next, I turned on the Grid - and I drew out my square. Perfecto.

The problem was when I was drawing this out, if I didn't have snapping of any sort on, I would draw my pen lines on top of a pixel..Photoshop compensates by creating a faded border.

Notice here how the pen line falls on top of a pixel, rather than between 2 pixels:


That results in faded edges. Here is the result after I "snap to grid" is on, and the pen line falls between 2 pixels:


Thanks for the support anyway, iDad. :)

Sharpening Tools

The most obvious sharpening tool is called, umm… the sharpen tool. You can find it on the Tools window and is sometimes hidden behind the smudge or blur tool. It looks like:


This tool increases the contrast between the pixels where ever you click and drag. The only options that you have for this tool are brush selection, strength and blending mode.

The blending mode options are:

Normal - This sharpens what ever you drag your mouse over

Darken - This sharpens pixels darker than your foreground color

Lighten - This sharpens pixels lighter than your foreground color

Hue - Causes complementary colors to appear

Color - Same as Hue

Saturation - This increases the saturation

Luminosity - This increases the Luminosity

This tool is handy after you’ve already done all the other sharpening work and need some extra touch ups here and there.

Thank you..
