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tri fold question


I have a psd 3,300x 2,550 and need it as trifold how would I get correct folds marked or guides to show on workspace? any ideas?

using cs5 ex
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To show or hide the grid:View > Show/Hide Grid or guide
to change grid preferences:
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Edit > Preferences > Guides, Grid & Slices[/FONT]

but you probably alredy know that sorry I cant be more help im not sure what you mean by trifold
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Hi iDad, I did a tri fold recently and I could send you my PSD template.

If you check with the printer where it is going to be printed they might have one as well and it might be specific to their printer/paper so I would check that first.
awesome. you da man! I don't need the images or anything just guides. or placement of them
Hmm that seems like an odd size for a tri-fold.

Mine was 8.5x11

I would be happy to help you lay it out but my template won't be of much use for this size.

Do you need any bleed or is 8.5x7.5 the actual print dimensions? 300dpi? 8.5 the width and 7.5 the height?
I was told actual dimensions I was thinking i was going to eye it nothing mentioned on bleed . very strange size
Ok wait a second..... in your first post you said 3,300 x 2,550 .... at 300dpi that equals 8.5x11... which would seem normal for a trifold. You sure it's supposed to be 8.5x7.5?
I know crazy huh I started the document at 8.5x11 then I was told 8.5x7.5 thats why I'm getting hungup .it's always something with some people
Ok, so if he is sure he wants it 8.5x7.5 then the original pixel dimensions should be replaced with:

2550 x 2250 px

Now insert the guides.

Go to View --> New Guide and choose Vertical, for the Position type in 850 px. Do the same again for the second guide and type in 1700 px.

The guides should now be on the right places to fold for an 8.5 wide tri-fold.

Save one document for the front and one document for the back..... done deal :)
On itouch will look into it tomorrow thanks man ..... Have a funny feel this is not going to be fun, been going back and forth for days constant changes DOH
Did the tri now wants a four page lol give me break lol ...becareful I may take you up on that some day ;)
