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Transparent rectangle with only the outline visible


New Member
Hello ppl...probably my question is very easy to answer for some of you so I am waiting for your precious help....

I want to use the rectangle tool but i want to be visible only the outline of the shape. The result i want to come up to is something like the one in the picture...


Any help will be much appreciated, thanks in advance....:)
What I do is create the shape then stroke it(right click) then save it as png. then add it as new layer to the original image being created
Hope that's clear enough.

For anyone that is interested in transparent shapes I manage to find one more way to achieve transparency and have only the outline visible.

I create the shape open the blending options -> advanced blending -> fill opacity 0%
and then stroke it. :)
I was wondering how I get to "stroke". I use a mac, so there is no right click available for my mouse. I tried pressing "control" while clicking the mouse, and the menu that comes up doesn't have that option.
I tried going under "Edit", but the "Stroke" option is unavailable.
I see a "stroke" in the blend option panel. Is that the same "stroke" you're talking about?
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Yes same option. I use a mac also do yourself a favor. Get a good mouse look at logiteck.com
