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Transparent background


New Member
I'm new to Photoshop and am using CS1. I have a logo in a jpeg format with a white background. I am trying to get the background to go from white to transparent.
Can someone please help?


I'm new also. And you probably long ago figured out the answer to this question. There are many ways to tackle it I expect. The way I would use is to change the background to a layer.

If you've the layer window open, usually you can right click on background and hit "new layer from background." If that doesn't work, go to the layer drop down menu, select new and a list will pop up, the second one is "new layer from background."

Now you'll want to select the white. Try magic wand, if it's a crisp log on a white background that should work fine. Now delete the white selection and you should be left with a transparent background.

Again, I'm new, so this is my rough way of doing it.

