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Transparent background problem


Hi there,

I am using Photoshop CS5.1 I created three square buttons all different colours with transparent backgrounds. I wanted to put them togehter green first, orange just behind and blue behind both, sort of layered so you see them all but slight over lapped. When I do this I still see part of the transparent background. So say the icon is 100 pixels there is like a 15 pixel transparent edge around each icon. I hope this makes sence and someone can please help me.

Thank you in advance.
Hi lemonpixel, welcome to PSGurus.

Are you sure it isn't actually pixels bordering the shape? Have you zoomed in to pixel level to check this? What did you use to create the squares? Are you using layer fx?

Post your psd and we can take a look. Just use the tree icon in the replay window and upload it.
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Thank you for your reply. I will upload the image tomorrow when I have access to it. I followed a tutorial from online. I probably did something wrong. I will upload the icon as soon as I can. Thank you again. I am very new to Photoshop.
Hi ibclare,

Here is my icon. I think you are right. It might be a shadow. I wanted a small shadow below the image but maybe it is on the right hand side too? I would rather not post the tutorial as it is my own fault as the tutorial intended to have the shadow. I have attached the icon.
Thank you very much.View attachment Teal.psd
Hi lemon, I don't have time to look at this till much later tonight. Maybe someone will come along and advise. O/W I'll try to later. I mean, try to give advice. :mrgreen:
I see the shadow... And no transparent pixels. Your white background layer has no holes, so there can't be any transparent pixels. The way paths show up used to freak me out because it looked wrong. Maybe that's it?
I don't know. This is new to me. I will try and make the button again with no shadow etc and see if that works.

I am not sure I understand what you are asking anymore. You said you had three buttons, but you gave me one. Without seeing the way you have combined the three, it's hard for me to see the problem.

Maybe someone else can help. Or put up the psd that has the complete story and I still think a link to the tutorial would help. Take my word on that.
*Face Palm* That lining I do believe is the shadow layer you created.
If you want it gone make the layer with the name "strong shadow" not visible.
Thank you Mattattack, I found that by turning off layers to see what happened. I also had to do a few other things. Sorry I have not replied sooner but I broke my right wrist and have not been on my computer. I seem to have annoyed the previous poster up there with the delay.

Thank you again. I have another question but will post it seperately for help.
No, you didn't annoy him lemonpeel. He is one of those new-to-the-forum people who wants to post a link with his question or request. Then he finds out he needs to have 5 posts first -- to eliminate the possibility of him being a bot -- so he goes around at random making comments. Sorry he chose your thread! :mrgreen:
