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Transparent Background loss in CS3


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I just got photoshop recently, after years of using Paint Shop Pro 8, and I'm confused as to a problem involving pasting images with transparent backgrounds (or renders if you'd like to call them that) as new layers. For example, if I go to a site, such as Planet Renders v3 and either drag said image, or right click and hit copy, I can paste the render into Paint Shop Pro 8 and it keeps the transparent background. Now when I do the same in CS3, the image shows up as a new layer, but the transparent background is filled with black instead.

If I save the render and load it as a new layer, then it works fine. I just find it a bit of a nuisance to do that for every render when I'm sure there's a solution to this problem.

Let me know if I need to post images, thanks!
Check window when creating a new layer you need to change background contents to transparent
darn, it still didnt work! (though i had been looking for that feature, which really helps!) but the renders are still appearing with a black background when i drag/copy them to new layers. Would pictures be helpful?
