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Tools palette


You will not believe this [saywhat] : I just discovered that when you double-click on the header of the tools palette, it folds together...(in Windows)
hehe Erik, yes it does do that, and it always does it when I DON'T want to do it. ;)
Ya actually, in case anyone didn't know this yet, you can do that for ALL the palettes as well. I was extremely glad to see that this had been done for the PC as well as the Mac in v7.
yep fell on that trick a while back but yesterday......... I accidently did something else....... I had PS open and was reorganising a web page for someone - so that I didn't over write the originals sounds okay doesn't it well.........
I had "open file" open and went to the original folder & selected the image that I wanted to open but without even thinking I had selected - shift down arrow - the 3 images I needed right clicked and copied them then up 1 folder to the new folder and pasted those images into there [stuned] didn't know I could copy and paste files through the open image window......... I then pressed enter and......... all 3 files opened one after the other! [saywhat]

Had I known this lil trick earlier I would have saved myself a lot of time!
Now that you know you can copy/paste, you should also know (if you didn't already) that you can delete, rename, preview, edit, check properties, blah blah blah... all from the Open (Save, Save As etc.) window(s). Right click on a file and the Options list drops down.

Hehe comes in purty handy sometimes. :)
