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tool revert after using spacebar sctoll


New Member
Hey all

An oddity that is very minor, but after a while it begins to wear one down.

Every time I am zoomed in on a photo for fine detail retouching I am usually switching between clone stamp, spot healing and the brush and I scroll around using the space-bar and mouse.
Now the ;problem is that sometimes - an oddly enough not always! - when I spacebar scroll, the tool I currently have selected reverts to the one I was using previously.
Minor, as I said, but as you can imagine, it gets to be annoying as it breaks the workflow.

I am using PS CS5.1

Any ideas..?
The space bar just selects the hand tool while it is pressed down. You can press h to select the hand tool if you want it to stay on the hand tool. I also have it set in preferences to use the mouse wheel for zooming. You might want to check that out aswell.

Not sure if this answers you question or not. Hope it does.
Thanks, but no, perhaps I didn't explain myself properly.

I have no problems with the scroll - hold space, scroll, let go and the hand tool that was temporarily brought up by the space reverts to the tool I was using.
So, for example, using the clone stamp, hit space, scroll around the image, let space go and it ...should... revert to the clone stamp tool and I happily go on clone stamping..
But what -sometimes- happens is that instead of reverting to the clone stamp tool, it goes back to the tool I had selected previous to the clone stamp...

Yeah, tricky to explain, I don't think I'm clarifying anything really...

If anyone has this problem they'll understand me.

I have just been reading aroundhere a bit and maybe I just need a general reset of prefs etc. I'll try that when I get some time.

I see. Have you reset photoshop to see if this help. Crtl+Shift+Alt when it is starting up. This will delete the settings file and fixes some buggy stuff but maynot fix this.
Great stuff - I'll give it a go - but not now - I'm working on a project under some tight deadlines and it would kill me to reset everything now...
