Pretty easy actually.
First was curves with auto. White point CMYK(8,6,6,0) to not be to zero because it will go to typography. It will get whiter in process but not reach zero.
Then Shadows/Highlights about 25%/0%. Then same with 15%/0% (maybe could be done in one step but i'm cautious).
Then curves to adjust contrast but more higlight midtones and highlights than add shadows (those will go dark anyway by next steps).
Then copied layer with overlay opacity about 20%.
Then again copy layer with overlay opacity 40% and highpass about 40 (that gives much vivid color). Then again copy layer with overlay and highpass about 3 to sharpen.
And then i don't remember

... probably add some more saturation (not more that 10%). Definitely some curves to correct some tones and shadows to bring out details a little (with mask).
What i remember i use history brush about 10% to little lower oversaturated water is was too much.
And clean all white points which all this was bringing out.
And that pretty much all.
About 5minutes work. But i'm afraid that this method could be bad for jpg. Probobly will bring much artefacts. Haven't tried yet to "sent-in" material.
But worked very good to scanned photos.
P.S. I find out that it is more easy to me to make curves with white mask do adjustments looking on places where it will remain. Then set mask to black and paint over those places. That goes faster than select for me and more acurate because of changing brush opacity.