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tina is here!

tina jane

New Member
Hi. I'm pretty new to Photoshop and while I appreciate that it's an incredible piece of software, it's also pretty intimidating.

I plan to take my time learning how to use it (and I imagine this forum will be a useful resource), but there's something in particular I wanted to ask about, and that's how to create a sports shot where the athlete's moves are "merged" into one picture, so you see the athlete several times at several stages of the move.
In other words, you can see multiple images of the athlete at various stages of the technique but within the same single picture (for instance, a rugby player running for a try, and you would see him at various places on the pitch, but it would be a single shot, not a sequence...I can't post links yet because this is my first post, so I hope my description is adequate. I'd love to do this (I shoot a lot of sports), but right now I wouldn't know where to begin.

Any advice would be received with gratitude!:mrgreen:
I'm assuming you take multiple exposures with a fixed camera of the athletes movements throughout - right ?

Then iDad, I think you're saying the player (athlete) would have to be extracted from the original background in all five images, put on a new - or empty background (no player) each in a separate layer - and positioned over the new background ... or am I complicating things ?

If not, this adds up to a rather well planned and staged shoot ...
:shocked:Welcome Tina Jane, if your still here after reading the highjacked thread:shocked:
