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Throwing some light in selected areas of an image


Well-Known Member
If I want to throw some light (highlight) a particular area of your image (for logos especially), what are the best ways to do this?

I tried adding an additional layer on top pf my image and with the blending mode as 'Normal'.Then used a big round brush with white color and do a single click on the area where highlighting is required. It works pretty well, but I am sure there are better ways to do this.

What do you guys normally use to add light areas and highlights to an image?
There are lots of ways to do this... If you are going to brush some white on top of an image I suggest lowering the opacity of that layer.... or changing the blending mode...

Dodge tool also works very well, but you have to be careful because it's destructive (permanent changes) by default.

You can also use a levels or curves adjustment layer, make it very bright, and then mask it to only show on the areas you want lighted. This is nice because you can brush around the area and then use Refine Edge and feather it to suit your needs.
