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This theif stole my bike: Is it possible to sharpen it any better?


Hi everyone.

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to sharpening images. I've played around with the High Pass filter without much luck.

PLease have a look and if anyone could make it better I would be greatly appreciated.

THanks,View attachment theif.bmp
I think thats "no" too. And wondering why they keep showing that kinda stuff in movies and shows? Or maybe they now something we don't?
Yeah, The cops told me that if we have them on video that would help. But with that grainy of a video clip, I'm thinking it's going to be tough.

TO go about attempting to sharpen it. Would using the high pass filter be my best bet?
I don't think they would accept it when it is tempered with. Could easily say that it was tempered, and it is possible for the photoshop guru to get into trouble this way.
I'll post the original when I get home from work today. I also have the original video clip as well.

The whole thing makes me sick how people will just walk into my garage while I'm home and take something...
this is really not possible.... everything is fade no use of sharpen tool....if you have video and the face is clear then you can snapshot of picture from video and then post it again...
LOL, I mumble to myself and my wife roles her eyes when I watch shows like that.

"Zoom in, clean it up, zoom in, clean it up."
They're getting license plate numbers off the reflection of some guy's glasses a block away.

LOL.... Forum life would be easy at PSG, wouldn't it? .....

radmattyd... off the bat, sharpening the images won't be easy.... it can be done to some extent but I doubt the facial details would be of any use.....
Thanks guys. I thought it was worth a shot though. I've sent the video links to everyone in the homeowners association so hopefully, it will get around and someone will recognize the guy.
A couple of passes and a play with the light.

P.S. sorry for your loss:mad2:
