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"The object "layer X" is not currently available."


Hi guys!

I´m post-processing some photos and created an action for that (I use CS5). When I want to use this action I always get the error message "The object "layer X" is not currently available." (X = name of one of the layers within the action). I´ve googled this and all I can find is that this error appears if you have changed the name of a layer, which I haven´t. So I have no idea what´s wrong. I really hope you guys can help me! Let me know if you need more information!
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Is the layer clicked off check box with eye on it left side of Layer palette
This happens to me sometimes. It's usually caused by one of the process's within the Action that can not work on the desired photo, due to maybe a large expanse of light color, or some other content within the image that stops the process from working.
This happens to me sometimes. It's usually caused by one of the process's within the Action that can not work on the desired photo, due to maybe a large expanse of light color, or some other content within the image that stops the process from working.

Good to know, but in my case this happens with any image I try.
Is the layer clicked off check box with eye on it left side of Layer palette

You mean the layer mentioned in the error message? That one is not clicked off, it´s visible. However, there was another layer within the action that was clicked off. But if I get rid off that layer I just get another error message...
I´m actually creating an action of another action in case that is of importance. I create my action by running another action and then adjusting it acording to my needs. It´s not a problem to run the original action but as soon as I put it into my own action I get error messages when I run it.
