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The Keeper

p?tr??k said:
:shocked: Man, how low can you go....dissing someones avatars....sheesh. [confused] Especially theKeeper's.

ooptea was joking! ;)

theKeeper creates new avatars often. It's fun to watch.
ooptea was joking!
aye that he was (talks in 3rd person)

and while we are at it welles same goes for you the
ninja star ball thingie > scary cliff chopper dog thingie [saywhat]
ooptea was joking!
Opps ;\ I kinda figured that out after I posted; man thats imbarasing. [sleepy]
Guess I just don't have no sense of humor....or maybe just crabby. :\
I haven't been here that long so I don't know how many avatars the Keeper has had but I did like the one of the kid.
ooptea said:
and while we are at it welles same goes for you the
ninja star ball thingie > scary cliff chopper dog thingie [saywhat]

Oh yeah? OH YEAH!?! Well punk, just c'mon over to this thread and have at it!


(Ok what's going on, you say. This thread was inspiring. Dissing Avatars! It reminded me... When I first started participating in PSG there were some threads which had gone on forever called Cannon Fodder and Son of Cannon Fodder. Each person who wanted to play put in a picture of themselves and then other people could make fun of them in all sorts of imaginative ways. The results were hysterical. Unfortunately I felt too much like a newbie to participate then but... Heh heh...

Those threads and this one combined in my feeble brain to make Dissing Avatars. I'll start a thread in the Campfire forum which allows anybody who wants to participate by Posting a Reply. Once you do, your Avatar is fair game for anybody to make fun of or with... heh heh...) :bustagut:
:bustagut: Funny thread guys. hehe

I get bored real quick, so changing avatars keeps me awake i guess. ;)
And since people know who i am i'm never worried about being "lost in the crowd".

I've been real busy lately so i've not created new avatars as often as usual, but i'll prolly change this new one in a week or so. 8D

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