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The Everlasting Challenge


There is a theme that keeps popping up and that is people like designing Desktop Wallpapers.

So until a new set of challenges kicks off here is an ongoing challenge no winner or anything like that Just a thread for you to upload your Photoshop Guru Themed wallpapers.

This is an easy challenge and a hard challenge at the same time basically it is whatever you make it to be. The only Rule is you have to incorporate the Wording Photoshop Gurus. You can use the logo if you like or you could maybe try designing another 1.

You can incorporate programs ie 3ds max, Illustrator, Xara 3d (i think it is called) or anything as long as photoshop has been used to finish it off.

Here are some I have uploaded in the past. But for me it is time for something new

psg Glow.png
psg disco.png

So have some fun with it
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I am trying to find some of the older PSG wallpapers people have done but if you have done any then upload them new or old
Hey Hoogle did you make all of those with the same program? A PS add-on or separate? Great job on them, just wondering about how to learn to go about making such things from scratch?

Thanks a lot for any help!

Edit: Oops....just reread your original post and I see you name some programs in there....sorry:redface:

mine were all done in photoshop and cinema 4d I usually do 3d text in there as I understand it better and can get reflective materials easier than photoshop. It is also quicker to work with.

How ever the psg green and black dark wallpaper took a few mins to render due to global illuminations.
I like the idea. Of course the problem and I know you see it, is the pieces don't quite fit together ... yet. It's worth saving I think. I imagine the gurus and community forum style were to add contrast but it doesn't quite work the way it is; it's too much contrast. The elements are too far apart. Maybe if the PS sign hung down further so it looked like it was behind the upper portion of the globes.
Truth be told I was going to go for a full vintage look background as well and the foreground text but there just wasnt enough contrast. A lot of the negative space was going to be filled out with some vintage vector art etc. But as I was compositing it I just saw it was not going to work and just saved it as it was.

I didnt like the composition the colours my shading wasnt strong enough and the photoshop text made up with every flag in the world didnt quite work.
I like this. :mrgreen:

I think the explosive colorful eyeball should really get center stage, be bigger, maybe have the type cross over the top of it. The only other critique is regarding the outline of the bottom type. I think if you changed the contour of the bevel, it would stand out better. I think it needs more contrast.
Here's what I had in mind. Just a suggestion you understand, because I really like it. By the way, what is that font you used on the "explosion of creativity?" I used clovis cheury which is similar but not the same. The way I made it is still not what I had in mind. I think I prefer yours actually. It's just somewhat too low contrast. IMO.

hoogle....I do have to say, you're skills are seriously mind blowing. That first one in the first post....I was staring at it with my mouth open, I LOVE the colours, they make me feel all fluffy inside. Really well done, I'd give you money, but the way of the world is broke.

Gonna try to whip up something of my own soon....

