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The Clone Stamp Tool


Well-Known Member
Can anyone, please, let me know in a straightforward and simple way how to rotate the clone stamp tool in Photoshop CS6?

I need listed steps not a video as in my old age I find it hard to follow videos.

Many thanks.

Many thks, Mr Tom, for yr usual promptness and kindness.

The attachment you sent me is quite clear, but how does the rotation of the clone stamp tool work?

I came across the term "rotation" by chance in a Photoshop online tutorial, but as you know by now, I find it very hard to follow video tutorials.

If I may, and if you would allow me to ask: is it possible to send me a practical example of an application of the rotation in question? In short, what is its function?

My renewed thanks.


To be honest with you in all the years I've used PS I've never had the need to rotate the clone stamp.

I use the 'Clone Stamp' tool often but have never found a situation where I needed to rotate the stamp, instead I'd just set a new sample position and carry on.

Others may have a legitimate reason to use it but for me its just too cumbersome to set up and use in my workflow.....and I've managed without it so far!

If you really want a practical example then maybe a member who actually uses it can throw something together for you.

Ok, the Clone stamp Tool works from an original source (OS) and "clones" from the OS to the new location.

Like this.
I'm cloning to this rectangle. Notice that the clone at the new source is the same as the OS.
Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 2.09.57 PM.png

But what if I wanted to Make the grass look as though it were growing from the side of the rectangle?
It wouldn't look right.
Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 2.11.45 PM.png

So, I rotate the Clone Tool which will cause the tool to rotate -90% (at new location) from the OS.
Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 2.12.19 PM.png

Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 2.12.12 PM.png

Essentially, the original source does not change, only the clone changes at the new location once you have added rotation.
Just remember, the OS will move as it always does so the target area changes as you move the cursor, the only difference is that your tool is working up and down while your target at the OS is working side to side.
Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 2.21.34 PM.png
An example of when I occasionally need to use the rotation feature is if I have a photo with a blown- out, featureless area of skin (say, the reflection on a bald guy's head) and I want to steal some skin texture from somewhere else on the face to fill in the missing texture. The texture on each part of someone's skin always has a prefered direction, shadows in the pores come from a certain direction, etc., so to match up to what the direction would be in the target area, I will sometimes use the clone rotate feature.

Tom M
I can't remember the last time I used the rotate feature, if ever. I always clone to a separate layer then move and rotate the clone layer if needed, and you can also add a mask if necessary.
JoeJ - In case you are still around, I thought I would point out a really nice tutorial with video on angular changes and flipping when using the clone and healing brush tools:

The one thing I would add is that when I'm cloning in skin texture, hair, or anything else that should be quasi-random, I set each of the 4 clone source presets to slightly different angular values and randomly go between them to easily fudge the necessary randomness. It's a lot easier to do this on the fly than rotate one or more whole layers and then mask them out.


Tom M
Many thanks as ever, Mr Tom. Your latest communication with color illustrations makes the whole thing very clear to me now.

I am grateful for your help and admire your kindness and patience. May there be many more people like you for a better world!

With kind regards,

...Many thanks as ever, Mr Tom. Your latest communication with color illustrations makes the whole thing very clear to me now...
Thanks, but all credit goes to IamSam for the illustrations.

He beat me to it....again....! :rofl:

Many thanks Mr Sam for your kindness in helping me. You have solved my problem wonderfully, particularly as the illustrations are very clear and they explain quite lucidly how the rotation of the clone stamp tool works.

In error, I have just thanked Mr Tom, as I mistakenly thought your communication came from him. He has kindly pointed out my mistake.

Mr Tom, like you, has been very helpful, too.

I admire you both for your patience with the slow learner that I am at age 77...!

With kind regards and renewed thanks to you both,

Yes, thanks MrSam.

Joking aside, thanks to you too JoeJ for making it perfectly clear exactly what you needed....it makes things so much easier.

Many thanks to Mr Hawkeye Guru for helping me out with the problem of the rotation of the clone stamp tool.

I am grateful for your kindness.

My thanks are also due to you for being patient with the slow learner that I am at age 77 !...

Kind regards.

