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tab buttons



I'm new into Photoshop and i need some little help i want to create such tab buttons as like here: http://www.apple.com
I want the same blinking effect and how can i round corners in photoshop like this. Maybe someone here can helps me?

Best Regards
Hi Wizard and welcome to the board.

To get round corners you might try this;


Or just type in Google: tutorial "round corners" Photoshop

The glossy look of the buttons can be made by just copying what you see and creating different shaded areas.
Trust me, there's nothing more to it, no magic, just a few shades of colour. Just experiment and you'll be amazed ;)
Welcome aboard wizzard! :)

Highlighting and shading is quickly and easily accomplished by adding a layer above the image of your choice; filling it with 50% grey and setting its blending mode to overlay. Now take a soft brush and paint directly onto the filled layer (which now appears to be transparent) with white (for highlights) and black (for shadows). Experiment with the opacity of your brushes and, of course, your brush sizes. Use your eraser as necessary.

Hope this helps. Simple and 'effective' and, more importantly, "non-destructive" to your source image.

You might also want to experiment with the "lighting effects" on this 50% grey filled layer! ;)
Be sure to post and show us your results wizzard! We all like to see "success stories"! :)
