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T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics etc...


Hi all,

I would like to do create a Photoshop template of a T-shirt, which will allow me to change the 'base' color of the t-shirt on a layer, or group layer..... and have the 'wrinkles' on another layer.... and allow me to 'slide' a t-shirt graphic in between the two on it's own layer, with the 'wrinkles' showing across the graphic, yet taking on the color of the graphic.

I came up with a crude method, and am not happy with the 'flat' looking results. I'd like the 'wrinkle' layer to be able to show the gradient transitions of the wrinkles, while taking on the color of the underlying graphic on the graphic layer.

Does this make sense?

Can you give me a step-by-step on how to accomplish this?

I have attached a basic white T-shirt image as a base to work from.

I have noticed that there is a commercially available 'file' which I could purchase, however, I'd really like to know how to accomplish the effect myself, as I would like to use this technique on other products.


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Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

We're having trouble with file uploads.
Put your PSD in a Zip or Rar file and upload it, sorry.

I'd like to see what you did but IMHO it's not that simple.
If you don't distort the logo to match the wrinkles it won't look natural
Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

View attachment T-Shirt Template 3.zipOk... here is a 'zipped' file... hope this helps. Appreciate all detailed step-by-steps.... taking into consideration my need for 'baby steps' regarding this. Thanks again to you pro's.

There's a t-shirt template commercially available at gomedia dot com. This is what I want to learn how to do. I have no problem purchasing the 'file' from them, but would like to achieve this same 'function' to be used with several other products than what they offer.
Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

You were on the right track.
I just changed the order of the layers and removed the background on the logo.
This is the best you're going to get without distorting the logos.


Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

Awesome... then I'm not quite as stupid as I thought?!! LOL.... Steve, is there a way to download the 'corrected' file you posted so that I can see how the order went? I clicked on it, but got an 'internal error'.... thanks again for your quick reply and checking this out for me.
Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

I'm sorry I uploaded the wrong file.
You are supposed to be able to upload PSD files but it's not working properly.
The workaround is to put it in a ZIP file which seems to work. Here it is.
Just click on it.


Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

Thanks Steve! Works for me! Have a great day!!
Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

You too, and don't forget us. :wink:
If you get involved in these forums you'll be amazed at what you'll pick up.
Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

I definitely will be checking in often, now that I've discovered this site. I have it bookmarked for quick reference! Thanks again!!:rocker:
Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

i need a little bit of help are u willing to help me plz
Re: T-shirt Template - - How to make template where wrinkles appear over graphics et

Thank you for sharing this file! I was looking to do the same thing, and this was so helpful. I was also trying to make it so that I could put in art that would cover the whole shirt, so the front part of the shirt mask out the art. (I'm not even sure if that's correct terminology.) I'm a beginner photoshop user, but I was able to figure it out a bit. It's not the best, as I didn't make it so t-shirt color could be changed, but this is helpful if you just want to see what an all-over shirt would look like printed. Basically, click the "Shirt Mask" layer and drag in your art. Then go into Layers, hold cursor over line between the two layers you just worked with and press ALT then select. This will mask the art layer with the image of the shirt. Lock all layers except your new art layer and you can drag it around and adjust size to see what looks best on the shirt. Hope this is helpful! :lol:

