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T-shirt picture


New Member
Hello everyone, my name is Luka and I come from Slovenia. I'm here because I have some questions about Photoshop. I've been working on PS since I was a little kid, now I'm 19 yrs old. My passion? -Cars, definitely.:wink:
Welcome aboard to PSG Luka. You have been using Ps since a long time, I would love to see your works ... do share it with us.. Enjoy your stay and Share your knowledge with others..
Oh, thanks.

This is called "sticker bomb" - it's made for cars. Different cultures use different types of stickers, this one is for Volkswagen/VAG. I like it and that's why I'm doing it. Looks something like this:


How it looks on my Golf:

It's not complicated but you have to organise everything and on the top of that - requires a lot of time, starting from point zero.

I have my other works on another computer and I will upload them as soon as I can.
