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Sure why not? Newbie


Well-Known Member
My name is Sean, I'm basically on every other forum, subaru, glock, german shepherds, etc. So I figured why not photoshop too?

I went to ITT Tech for Visual Communications and currently work for my family as an IT Administrator managing everything from the servers to the websites, etc.

I have my own photography business on the side where I do mostly senior portraits and weddings.

I have three dogs and absolutely love dog training, got to level 3 agility with my Border Collie and plan on starting my other two german shepherds in Shutzhound or something similar.

I was trying to post some photos, but my post count isn't high enough yet, so I will post some shortly.

Thanks for reading,
Welcome to the forum, Scarmack.

Nothing wrong with being involved in so many interests. The way I see it, Photoshop WILL come in handy at work as well with your photography business.

So enjoy your time here. Don't hesitate to ask questions and take part in the activity.
Welcome to the forum, Scarmack.

Nothing wrong with being involved in so many interests. The way I see it, Photoshop WILL come in handy at work as well with your photography business.

So enjoy your time here. Don't hesitate to ask questions and take part in the activity.

Thanks for the welcome! Photoshop has saved me many of times with my photography, even with my day job. Oh, and we also own a sports bar where I made the menu, logo, etc. So it has truly helped out a ton.
