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Stupid error with Brush


New Member
When using selection or layer my Brush tool used to show the layer underneath when revered on it, now it paints black or white.
What to do ?
Paint on the Layer MASK not the Layer itself.


To swap between Pixels and Mask just click either the Layer thumbnail or the Mask thumbnail, the white corners will denote which of the two is currently active.

When using selection or layer my Brush tool used to show the layer underneath...

This suggests to me that at some time you have had a layer MASK on the layer.
When you paint with BLACK it reveals the layer underneath...
When you paint with WHITE it restores the layer with the mask.

...now it paints black or white.

This suggests that now you DO NOT have a layer mask OR you do but the Layer Pixels is 'active' and not the Layer mask.

In relation to image you posted you DO NOT have a layer mask on the top layer.....thats the problem....so....

...Select the TOP layer...
...add a layer mask to the TOP layer via the 'Add Layer Mask' icon at the bottom of the layers panel.

Your Foreground and Background colours will change to Black and White automatically every time the MASK is 'active' (click on it).
This happens because you can only paint with greyscale on a MASK...ie, Black, White and everything in-between.

Select EITHER the LEFT Thumbnail to paint on the PIXELS, or the RIGHT Thumbnail to paint on the MASK.

This is how it comes up here.
Problem not solved yet.

View attachment 49392

If you paint on either of these two layers with your brush tool, it it will be black or white or whatever your foreground and background colors are!.

You need to add a layer mask like Mr Tom has explained.
I'm curious to know what you did to sort it out?

Actually I did not sort it out, I was doing it wrong, I had no layer under the image, thats why I could not use the brush tool the way I wanted.

Now I understood how layers work and it made my life a lot easier.

Thanks a lot for you help!
