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Stroke path colour issue


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here so bear with me! :)

Basically I'm tracing a photo of someone using the pen tool to create a line art picture of them on a white layer on top of the original image. I'm following a tutorial I found online to do this and now have a grasp of the pen and brush tools.

My problem is that when I create a closed path and fill the path using the foreground colour (black) it's a nice solid black. However when I stroke a path, no matter what settings I change on the brush it always seems to come out in a dark grey rather than a nice dark black. The colour is definitely set to #000000 (black) so no mistake there. All the layers are set to 100% fill and opacity.

A typical brush I was using was 15px, 100% hardness, 1% spacing and a shape dynamic of pen pressure or fade, but I have the same problem even if I turn these off. I also had smoothing enabled on the brush.

I hope this helps and look forward to any advice you might have! Thanks in advance
It's cool, I've realised the opacity of the brush was set to 70% for some reason so I've solved that mystery. I'm getting there!
