Okay, I took some screen shots on the various layers you posted, so I can finally grasp all that you are telling me today, along with posting more questions about the entire process.
Just want to make sure I have all the steps down.
Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge and your patience with me and all my questions!
Here are all my questions to your steps, just need further explanation as I am somewhat still confused with some of the process.
I took the plane image and added a layer mask.
I used the Rectangular Marquis Tool to make a selection of the lower half of the Plane image for masking.
After you add the layer mask and used the rectangular marquis tool, you then made a selection of the lower half of the plane image for masking. When you do this, do you “mask” it and what is the reason for this and where does this selection go?
After masking: (I cut and pasted all your comments from the thread, minus the photos you posted)
NOTE: You have to turn layers on and off in order to work on them or other layers individually.
I then made a copy of the plane image (Command + J) and used the Path Blur (in CC) and stretched out the image:
When you make this layer copy, do you then use the Path Blur and stretch it out in the layer copy?
I wanted to brighten the elongated light streaks so I used a Curves adjustment:
By doing this, doesn’t it brighten the entire image and is that a “bad” thing?
I used free transform to flip this image vertically. I'm using the term inverted to reference the plane being upside down, I'm not referring to Command + I or the invert function.
I understand part of this step, but when you flip it with CTRL+T for free transform, how do you see what you’ve done in terms of seeing the inversed/upside down image?
Using Command + J, I then made another copy of the original plane and flipped it vertically.
Once again, are you using CTRL+T to flip it vertically? I assume this one has no blurring on it? And this would be placed (the layer) below the original plane image in the layers palette? I am thinking that you just answered this question in the steps right below?
I moved it into position with the Move Tool. Click and drag or use the directional arrow keys.
This layer is then positioned just under the Normally positioned (upright) Plane layer. Drag and drop the layer in the layers panel.
I call this layer "Plane normal inverted"
Turn this layer off for the moment.
I did the same with the Path Blurred plane:
Are you saying you moved it into position and all the other steps you just listed above? Just want to make sure I have this down, exactly.
This layer is just under the the inverted plane layer mentioned above. You may have to re-position the layers by clicking and dragging.
I understand this part of the process of steps.
I call this layer "Plane with path blur inverted" When you’re done with this step, turn your "Plane normal inverted" layer back on.
Understand this step
Select/highlight the "Plane normal inverted" layer.
On the "Plane normal inverted" layer, change it's blending mode to Soft light and reduced it's opacity to 16%
To darken the lower half of the reflection I added a new layer on the very top of the layer panel (create new layer) and used the Gradient Tool to add a foreground to transparent gradient form bottom to the top. I also lowered this layers opacity to suite.
I used the Brush Tool and the "Plane normal" layer-layers mask to knock out he hard edge in the middle.
Select or click on the layer mask, then select the Brush Tool and use a soft brush. Set the brushes flow rate to 4% and then run from the left side to the right side of the hard line in the middle of the image. Hold down the shift key and the brush stroke will go in a straight line.
Thanks for explaining this step in great detail.