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Stange Vertical Line problem


New Member
I am using Photoshop CS2, and have only been using it for a few days but a problem has popped up. I am getting these weird vertical lines not so much in photoshop, but desktop icons, start menu, and sometime the cursor just have small black vertical lines some of the time. And the minimize maximize and close buttons also have weird lines.

This is also affecting my video players, movies have weird different color lines. I have updated my graphics card, and when I uninstalled photoshop the problem did fix itself after a day or 2.

I have heard people mention it may be the graphics card, I have also read threads of people who bought new cards and still have similar problems. And others say that it is the power supply. If anyone has a solution, or at least some info I would greatly appreciate it.

It turns out that my video card just coincidentally died while using photoshop, so its all fixed now. I don't really know how these boards work but this question could probably be deleted. Since its not really related to photoshop.
